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Satisfactory Finish of The Theoretical Training of Gas Turbine PG6581 for CNOOC Huizhou Refinery
Author:Xiao Xianghao Source from:Nanguang Power 1666
CNOOC Huizhou Refinery just newly built gas turbine power plant 6B (PG6581). In order to assure the operation and maintenance of the gas turbine unit in the future, Nanguang Power (Nanjing) Co., Ltd is consigned to make a theoretical training for the operation and maintenance personnel.
Our leaders attach importance to the training plan. After reduplicate analysis and comparison, they plot the training plan, selection of teaching materials and teachers with the aim of meeting customer¡¯s training requirements.
There are six courses in the training. The principle of gas turbine and the structure of gas turbine are taught by chief engineer Mr. Su Qikang. The electrical and electric engineering are taught by senior engineer Mr. Ye Ping. The control of gas turbine is taught by senior engineer Mr. Dai Zhijian. The gas turbine¡¯s auxiliary system and the operation and maintenance of gas turbine are taught by senior engineer Mr. Xiao Xianghao. The total hours of the six courses is 192.
The teaching work of training carries out in CNOOC Huizhou Refinery. The leaders of CNOOC Huizhou Refinery pay more attention to this training work. They make a careful arrangement in advance and enhance their management in the course of training. All of their work insure the complete success of the training work. The training work from Mar.,2nd 2008 to Mar 29th 2008. At the end of the school teaching, all the trainees take part in examination and the eligible are awarded certificate of completion.

translated by Fangjie(checked by Donaldhwang)